I feel like journaling is one of those things that you see on pinterest and it looks super aesthetic so you go try it and it just ends badly. Or you try to take up journaling as a new years resolution and you do it for like three days and then never again. On my sixteenth birthday I decided that I was going to try to journal everyday of being 16, that's a full year people! We're talking a full three hundred and sixty five days here! Honestly don't know what got in to me because it was way more of a commitment than I thought, but I was determined to tackle my goal. I set an alarm to go off every night at 10:15pm for me to sit down and journal before I went to bed. The idea was to use the alarm start the habit in my brain to journal everyday because, it takes roughly 30 days before something even becomes a habit. Let me speak from experience and say that it worked and that alarm is still set to this day, two years later. So every night I sat down on the floor in the middle of...