
Showing posts from August, 2020

To Be Read

As a kid, I used to love to read, my mom would take me to the library, and I would have stayed for hours if she'd let me. In elementary I would get so excited to sit on the floor with everyone and have the teacher read to the class. As I got older though I became occupied by other things, school work, friends, dance, social media, really anything other than reading. For a time I even decided I didn't like to read anymore, but deep down I still did and longed for a time when I would be able to sit down and read again. The only books I was reading were books I was forced to read for school, they were all boring though. I got to thinking and decided if I am going to be stuck in quarantine during a pandemic for honestly who knows how long I might as well get back to my roots and read some good books. They are so many books out there to choose from and the list in my head is getting way too long for me to keep up with. Here is my To Be Read list as well as a couple Book Reviews for ...