Surviving Freshman College Move-In Day

Move in, the day you've been talking up for months has finally arrived! I moved in this past week and let me tell you it was an a good way I promise. Let me tell you a little bit about my college move in day. We pulled up to my dorm and had to search for a parking spot, which was a journey in itself. Once we found a parking spot we started hauling things up to my room which wasn't all that bad considering how much stuff I brought. Not going to lie our room was a bit smaller than we expected but we were determined to make it work. My roommates Dad and my Dad were kind enough to move the furniture around how we wanted so we could maximize what little space we had. After the furniture was situated we began the process of moving things into the room. We started organizing things and decorating, which I was very excited about. It definitely took longer than I expected but we did it all pretty fast. After hours of work we finally finished our tiny house! We took a look back at all our hard work and we fell in love with our new home away from home. Not going to lie saying goodbye to my parents was the hardest part. We shed a few tears but it went better than I thought. So that's my little run down of how my move in day was so now I have some advice for you to make the most out of your move in day.

  1. Hauling things to your room- Put your things in boxes to minimize the amount of trips you have to take to and from your car. Bring a cart or something to so you can take more than a few things at a time. 
  2. Take your time- Even if you have a certain amount of time take your time when moving into your dorm. Trust me you will have enough time you don't have to rush. Make sure you don't go to fast so your room turns out exactly how you want it. 
  3. Storage!- Storage is super important when moving into your dorm. I even recommend bringing more storage than you think you'll need. Utilizing your storage is super important as well. I brought a small drawer set from Walmart and it's great for storing shoes, etc. I also recommend purchasing a rolling cart, they are super handy for cleaning supplies and food storage. Another handy thing is an acrylic case for your makeup. Makeup is often super small and if you have a lot you've got to put it somewhere. 
  4. Helpers- Having people help you move in is really really helpful. So bring your parents or aunts and uncles to help you get set up. Although be aware of how many people you bring to help out. Your dorm is a small space for too many people, and sometimes there can be to many chiefs and not enough lol. 
  5. Chaos- A lot of times move in day can be super chaotic. There's people everywhere and your all trying to do the same thing. So take it slow and do things one at a time. Also try to be polite to those around you because they are just as stressed as you.
  6. Surge Protector- There is probably going to be very minimal outlets so bring surge protectors to create more outlets because we all know we have thousands of things to plug in. 
  7. You will forget something- Everyone forgets things even if you try not to. Its totally okay to forget something! Just make a run to the store and get it!
  8. Utilize the space- The room is probably small, maybe smaller than you thought. Try multiple ways of arranging the furniture to what works best with what you have. And if you need inspiration for a layout just go on pinterest because they got you! 
  9. Dress comfy- Dressing in comfortable clothes is super important when moving in. There's a lot of work to be done so be comfy. Wear closed toed shoes as well because there's probably going to be a lot of walking and even climbing. 
  10. Talk with your Roommate before- Talk with your roommate about the layout of the room before you get to your dorm on move-in day. This just narrows down what you have to do and its better to go in with a plan. It's also helpful to talk with your roommate about decor and stuff before you move-in so that you can coordinate and it looks like one nice room. Plus it's nice to talk with them and get to know them a bit before you meet on move-in day.


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